The kids after getting stuffed!
After dinner, we got the decorations up!
And, Aaron got my dad's deer set up...that too was sadder than I imagined...he would have liked what we did with them. Hopefully we will get lights up on the house next weekend.

Josh LOVES being batman daily...I thought it was so cute when he passed out from all the hero saving activities the other day! 
Woo-hoo, we got a new bed (our other was getting REALLY old).
just hanging out on the new bed...we ALL like it...SOOOOO comfy! And, it's a king size, so now we can get more bodies into it more comfortably!!!

This was the very first Thanksgiving we made the WHOLE meal by ourselves (I should have taken a picture of the spread...), we usually just have to make a few sides for potluck. It went pretty well, different...but good. It was sad without mom and dad this year, and not getting together as a family. So, yeah, it was okay...I know next year will be even better! :)

Got Mr. Freeze another sweater, the other one was too small. He doesn't seem to mind being dressed up!

Work has been kinda crazy...more hours than I expected...but, it's okay. I get more figured out everyday, and I'm learning lots. So, besides a few negative things, it's mostly going well. I'm thankful for everything this year...even all the TOUGH lessons! We have learned and grown so much...and blessed more than we deserve.