Friday, March 27, 2009

maybe I'm just weird...

But, I LOVE the excitement of the possibility of bad weather. I don't mean I want anyone to be hurt or anything to be damaged, but I really love crazy weather. It's exciting when the sirens blare, and the skies get dark. I love watching the wind and rain howling outside...the lightning flashes, the thunder booms...WOO-Hoo! Maybe it's just being a Kansan??? Maybe it was having a goofy dad who chased the storms (we have some great footage of one, huh Sheri! hehehe). Jake is bummed since it's happening on a weekend which means no snow day...but, they are jazzed at the thought of snow ball fights and sledding. Yep they must be weird too. Well, no matter how weird we are...I hope everyone stays safe, dry and warm. Even if you don't like crazy weather, I hope blessings find you all today!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

change is coming...

well, things have been really hectic here at put it mildly, things have not been going, I gave notice at work. I'm not quitting entirely, just going to work on Saturdays. I think the change will be good. I'm also going to try to pursue doing more cakes from, we'll see how things go! :)

Saturday, March 21, 2009

whew...what a week!

Sheri thought it would be fun to go get mom and have her be here for Brayden's 13th birthday party. This is the first BIG birthday/get together we have had in awhile. It was Great!
I can't believe their baby is 13!!!

video game junkies

one of those goofy self shots...

Grandma was so happy to be here...the kids loved it too!

just having fun...

doesn't she look pretty?

oh yeah, that's classy!


as with tradition, the birthday kid gets the first bite! (he liked his dragon)

he enjoyed his cake!

she looks like a baby doll!

Happy 13th Birthday are turning into such a wonderful young man. I'm so proud of you!!!
While mom was here, we took a drive to Winfield. I'm sure this might seem weird to some people that I'm taking photos of my kids in a cemetary...I just think it's sweet the way they "talk" to him.
Jenna was sniffing all the fake flowers, that cracked me up...

then, they take their laps...

it was a nice quiet drive home after all that running.

Jenna had a fashion show for Grandma!

This was last night...the kids saying goodbye. It's hard to believe it was 6 months ago since mom was here last...and we won't get to see her again til Novemeber.

I wanted to get some pics with The Trotters this morning before we left, but sadly they are sick.

We played outside when we got home from our little road trip. What a beautiful day. My chalk monsters!

and the bubble Queen!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

my kiddos, and some new things I learned and made...

dress-up time

I LOVE hand-me-downs!!!

my foo-foo case!

my "cheese" cake and mice! I thought this was cute.

I had fun making the rooster too! I think making cupcake critters really is my favorite thing to do!

I went to Central and Rock this morning, Laurie showed me a different way to make flowers. She is awesome!

and, she shared with me more cupcake critters. This one is the coolest.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

just some cute stuff...

I love it when the play and pretend together...

nothing beats playing in the dirt with cars...

gotta love tutu's...
