we added a new fur kid to the family...Newman! He's a 4lb. little hunk of attitude, who captured our hearts. We love cuddling with him, like a warm bag of beans when he is sleeping...and he showed the Wonderdog who's the boss. He is a good addition to the family, keeping us all busy.
We had a wonderful Christmas (as you can see on FB...I'd put pics on here of Christmas and New Year's day but am having some download problems). I can't believe Christmas break is almost over. We got so many things accomplished during the break, got to spend some quality time together as a family, and we actually got some much needed rest. I can't think of a better way to end the year. Even though 2009 had it's share of up's and down's, it was filled with blessings durning all those times. I look forward to the great rollercoaster of 2010...the Nichols Crew never has a dull moment....I've come to appreciate that. I pray the New Year brings blessings and joy to all! Hopefully I'll be able to get more pictures on here soon!