
It's amazing how fast time goes by....What happened to my babies?
When did they sprout into toddlers? Then, before my very eyes...
they started turning into big kids!
It makes me sad sometimes that my babies are no longer babies. I will never again get to experience the wonder of being pregnant and having my own new tiny baby to hold and love. I feel like sometimes I even fight the next phase in life, because I don't want to grow up either. Believe me, that "baby bug" is so strong some days...
But then, I remind myself of these 3 things:
- I was blessed being able to get and be pregnant. Not only once but four wonderful times. I have 3 beautiful children. I have girlfriends that have lost babies, who never could be pregnant, or who don't have children at all. Sometimes I forget how blessed I am.
- Even though they are not babies, these precious gifts are still little and I have MANY years of joy to look forward too.
- No matter how old they get to be...they will always need me, and they will always be my "babies"!
I am so blessed that I get the privilage in helping them grow, to become teenagers and eventually adults. I'm sure we will have our ups and downs, and even have moments when I wonder why I ever wanted to be a parent. Mostly though, being a parent helps me understand the power of God's love. How frustrating it can be to watch your kids misbehave...but at the end of the day, be in awe of how wonderful, funny, beautiful and clever they are...to watch them grow and change. That no matter what they say or do, nothing can ever make me stop loving them.
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