Friday, October 3, 2008

what a nice surprise...

Sheri brought baby Davynn to see us. As you can kids LOVE babies!

She thought Davynn was a dolly...

...until she moved! Jenna thought she was pretty cool!

"awwee, mom...can we have another one"???

After seeing them with Davynn, makes me wish I could...they were all soooo cute together!

hehehe, sucking her little thumb!

Jake wanted to keep her to himself!

Joshy said,"awe, it's cute!" I said, "it's a baby, her name is Davynn!"

"oh, ya...I knew that!"

"Okay, I have had enough of these kids! Where is my mommy!!!"
It's funny...Jenna seems so little to me...
until she held that little baby! Wow! All of a sudden she looked so big!


Karma said...

I love being an Aunt!

Paula said...

Okay - I'm so out of the loop - when did this happen and how is Sheri?

What a precious! We wonder if our kids can settle down long enough to enjoy a baby and then they surprise us!

Heather said...

Sheri had the Davynn on Sept 27, they are both doing great! You can see more pics on her blog. She is a cutie!

Sherbear2975 said...

I lve the one with my Jenna bean and Jake! too cute! one might think they were cousins or something like that! lol!!!!!!!!!!!!

Paula said...

I can't seem to get to her blog - can you give me a link?

Heather said...
here ya go Paula!