Thursday, October 16, 2008

when you least expect it...

The Lord blessed me recently with the gift of insight. Over the years I was always so jealous of my sister's relationship with my dad. He always treated her like a princess, buying her things, being so cute and gentle. And me...well, I thought he was kinda tough on me. Then the other day when I was driving, and thinking about all these things, the Lord laid upon my heart that I had gotten the best gift of all...Dad's time. I think most of the time he really thought of me as a son, and that's what he raised me to be. I didn't have tea parties or play dress up, instead I learned how to work hard and get dirty. For example, he took me to Topeka on the weekends one summer to help his friend rebuild a house. I spent that summer chucking sheet rock and boards out a window into a dumpster. In the mornings before going to work we would sit out by the pond and fish. We didn't really talk about anything, just sit...and just enjoy the company. Another summer I worked in Eldorado with Dad wiring a house. I pulled wire and hung electrical boxes. It was hard work. But ya know, I really didn't mind...I actually liked it. He even told me one day that I had worked harder than most men he worked with. I didn't realize until recently what a compliment that was. Besides working, we camped, fished, I learned how to fix things, mow, split wood, change tires, how to properly throw a football, etc. There was even this time in Jr. High when a boy grabbed my rear, and I turned around and punched him in the eye. (BTW that boy and I became terrific friends, I really wasn't some kind of boy hating meaner). However, my dad LOVED telling that story...over the years it even became somewhat of a tall tale. Instead of just a black eye...I knocked that boy out. He loved anything rough and tough. I have to admit, to this day I still love watching anything from John Wayne to Steven Segall. Give me a good ole' spaghetti western with Clint Eastwood anyday!

Thank you Lord for showing me that even though I wasn't a princess I was loved and I did make my dad proud. Thank you for giving me the gift of time! Thank you for giving me strength (that I didn't even know I had) to help get us through our darkest time. My heart still aches, and I miss dad so much! It's comforting to know though...I will see him again someday.

I just want to add that my mom is just a special. She has taught me many things too. This isn't about just me really, the entire family is still struggling with his passing. I have just been thinking so much of him lately. I can't believe he's been gone almost one year. Anyways, I just wanted to share what I have learned.


Karma said...

Neat memories!

Pat said...

That is a really sweet tribute to your dad. It doesn't seem like it's been one year.

Heather said...

thank you! :)

Paula said...

Heather - I've known you for a LONG time - you've grown into a beautiful woman, fantastic mommy, and adoring wife! Your dad taught you how to be tough because when he passed, you had to use every ounce of tough! And sharing with friends only helps get you through! You are a blessing to many!!!!