I had been in labor for several days and didn't realize it was true labor since Jenna was not due for several more weeks. I thought I was just having braxton hicks. I went to the hospital at 4am just to get checked, sure enough I was in active labor and they were going to keep me. I was a little sad she was coming early. Since she was to be my last baby, I wanted to be pregnant and enjoy it a little longer. On the other hand, after everything we had been through, I was glad it was almost over and she was safe. It turned out to be an exciting day! We had terrible storms, we even got to listen to tornado sirens while I was pushing!

Jenna arrived 5 weeks early...at 10:11 am. She weighed 7 lbs 2.8 oz, 19 inches long

What a sweet baby!

She had a little stay in NICU for a little less than a week...we were so ready to go home!

Her brothers adore her!

Jenna, you have been such a blessing. You don't know about your special journey, about everything you went through....God has blessed you so much already! I can't wait to share it with you some day. You are wonderful my little peanut.
I would love to hear her story some time... Happy Birthday, Jenna!
What a sweet post and great story! Happy Birhtday, Jenna!
Happy Birthday Jenna! Did you make her a special cake?
I was going to but it is hot in here (our air isn't working AGAIN) so, I think I'll make something at work tonight! A flower or something...
Wow...five weeks early and over 7 pounds? Wonder what she;d have weighed if she continue 'baking'? Yes, I'd like to know her story too.
both boys were 8lbs 10 oz...so I bet she would have easily have been that. It's funny she was good size, she's such a runt now!
She had those big beautiful blue eyes even as a baby.
Troy has big eyes, I hope that he never grows into them. They sure get him out of lots of trouble!
I love you Jenna bean! You are truly a blessing and a miracle. God has special plans for you! I love you so much! You will always be my Jenna! Ask mommy how you got your name? Its a neat story! Just as your mommy's pregnancy, everything had God's hand in it! Happy Birthday little Princess! :O)
Happy Birthday Jenna-Bean!
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