Monday, September 22, 2008

our weekend

We started off our Saturday (around 6:45am)with Primpess Jenna all decked out in her tiara and tutu, and her entourage of puppy friends. Daddy was a good sport... I know...not very flattering! But hey, it's still early, and we have not had coffee. Josh and Jake, are stinky brothers and WOULD not wear tiaras...instead, Josh and his ever budding imagination left to go be a spy. It's fun getting to spend time together like that...I love when they come in bed with us to cuddle (and play)! Saturdays are the BEST!!!

It's spy guy, with his gadgets. He was being so serious!

After breakfast we had to go grocery shopping. When we got home, we spent most of the evening on dirt mountian. Before heading in, we had a fun experience with "touchabubbles".

Fun, but a bit messy...they were sticking to everything!
Of course our day would not be complete with out a bath... Tada! Naked Primpess! (nope not a typo, that's what she says she is).
So, we started off as Primpesses and ended as Primpesses! Not a bad day if you ask me! :)


Valerie said...

very too

Paula said...

She is an adorable primpess! Not too bad that you get to be one too!! Your kids play on dirt mountain, mine play on poop hill!

Kyle said...

Thanks, Heather! I didn't know you had a blog...I'll have to start spying on you ;-)