Thursday, May 28, 2009

fun, sun and some other stuff...

it was such a pretty day out...we decided to play at the park. We were happy to find the fountians were on too!

it was a little cool at first...

but, the shirts soon came off...
Jenna wanted to be like her big brothers...

Cocoa was enjoying the sun...
Jenna had enough for one day...
I thought this was cute with the two of them sitting together...
They started off cuddling...
and both ended up napping...
I just think he's a handsome boy
I love her messy face...
and the windblown look

Sunday, May 17, 2009

UV beads, silliness, naptime, and more Cocoa...

we made UV bead bracelets today...this is inside, they are still white
outside...they change color

Miss Cool!
new outfit from Aunt Sheri
being silly
"my" gameboy!
She was relaxing watching t.v. and I thought this was so cute!
I was having a little nap with the snuggle puppy
I was in the shower and he was relaxing in this basket...the basket is the size of a shoe box, so you can tell how little he is...funny fella!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Cocoa the Wonderdog...

It's funny, he's only been with us for 3 days and he has already made such an impact on us. I still miss Teddy so much, and Cocoa can never replace him...but he sure is making a great addition to our family. He has been through so much too. This is his 5th home in less than 2 months (and he's only 3 months old). His journey began in North Dakota, he traveled to Missouri, and now he resides in Kansas. His first owners said he was vicious and should be put down. My cousin rescued him, but since she already has her hands full she asked her mom to take him. He then went to my aunt, since she travels A LOT she felt he would be better with us. So, he stayed with my mom until we could go get him. He was a bit nervous and grumpy the first day, but is adjusting really well. Jake says he should be called Loco though, because all the crazy stuff he does.

He doesn't like going outside by himself yet.
He LOVES to cuddle, and loves chew toys. He also loves car rides, he rests on my lap or shoulders when we drive.

he likes resting in the sun.

he's probably thinkin...okay, leave me alone already! (We had a good time at PetSmart and the park this morning...I think I wore him out!)

Monday, May 11, 2009

Hello Cocoa!

Well, we picked up our puppy yesterday. The drive to Missouri was beautiful. Aaron and I haven't had much time lately, so it was such a blessing to be "stuck" in the car together and getting the time to talk and just be together. We had such a great visit with my mom, grandma and my aunts. I only wish we could have stayed longer, but since it was just a "day" trip we had to keep our visit to just a few hours. Cocoa was REALLY nervous at first, but he is adjusting to us just fine. It's been so long since I've had a, he is crazy! But, oh so CUTE!!! I hope to have a working camera soon to share pictures of this little fella. Considering what he's been through, he's a really good puppy! We are his 5th home in less than two months, and we found out today at the vet he's only about 3 months old. I still miss Teddy so much, but I have to tell ya, I really am falling in love with Cocoa. Thank you so much to everyone for all your kind words last week....

Thursday, May 7, 2009

goodbye Teddy...

It's with a heavy heart that I write this...
We had to say goodbye to our dog Teddy today. He was our "kid" before I could have kids and later he was more like a patient furry brother. Teddy has been such a loyal friend over the years, we just can't imagine our lives with out him. 15 years is such a long time...

Even though my heart is totally breaking...God has opened the doors for us to love again. I didn't think I would ever want another pet, let alone so soon...we have been asked to take in a puppy. I know the timing seems quick, but I'm sure there is a purpose. We welcome our new friend this weekend. We love you Teddy. Thank you for loving us!